319 reviews
4 Aug 2020
Keeps talking about her weight after saying she doesn't care about it.
Review Report
Why isn't she wearing a mask?
31 Jul 2020
She's a terrible presenter.
29 Jul 2020
Why hasn't she been cancelled?
More believable than Amber.
23 Jul 2020
Why is she getting married so quickly?
20 Jul 2020
Why is his family not getting him help?
18 Jul 2020
Desperate for us to forget what Peter did.
11 Jul 2020
Why is she drinking while breastfeeding?
10 Jul 2020
How is she a celeb?
2 Jul 2020
Why do they lie so much?
Another liar!
25 Jun 2020
Why is he wearing a beanie in a heatwave?
15 Jun 2020
Classic attention seeking behaviour!
11 Jun 2020
She's obsessed with Mark Wright.
2 Jun 2020
Imagine being a multi millionaire and being unhappy about it.
31 May 2020
Attention seeking doormat!
He'll never be faithful.
Why is she a thing?
19 May 2020
He's almost as annoying as his wife.
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